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Greg Johnson interviews leading formalist poet Leo Yankevich, who has been hailed as one of the most important poets of the last 100 years. His books include The Unfinished Crusade, The Last Silesian, The Language of Birds, Grief’s Herbs (after Stanisław Grochowiak), The Gnosis of Gnomes, Epistle from the Dark, The Golem of Gleiwitz, Tikkun Olam (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2012) and Journey Late at Night: Poems and Translations (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2013). His website is http://leoyankevich.com/.
Topics include:
- His life in the United States and Poland
- His political awakening
- The poets he most admires
- The life of a politically incorrect poet
- William Pierce
- The importance of reaching the young
- His religious views
- Natural law
- His creative process
- Death and the poet
- Philosophy and poetry
- Georg Trakl and Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Setting poetry to music
- Translating poetry
- Vladimir Nabokov
- Jerzy Kosinski
- Polish nationalism and White Nationalism
- The value of integrity and courage
- His views on the Bible
- His interest in historical research on Jews and Communism in Poland after World War II
- The Jewish decapitation of white societies